Union Congregational Church
each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Our vision at Union Congregational Church
Union Congregational Church strives to become a growing church where all ages can grow in faith; to be a church in which people feel at home , inspired by the Holy Spirit and the love for God.
We like to reach beyond the walls of the sanctuary to invite all to know God’s love and engage everyone no matter where they are in life. We strive to serve the needs of our community, helping those in need through outreach and mission. We lead by example with the focus on God’s love and the love of this church.

God tells us to grow our faith through sharing of our time talent and treasures through caring, prayer and support.
Union Congregational Church of Oakville supports various programs to help those in need from local charities to International relief and aid
Some of our charities and Missions:
· Basic support to the NACCC
· Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries (GWIM)
· Watertown and Waterbury Food Banks
· Watertown/Oakville Ecumenical Council
· Brian Gibbons Homeless Outreach Fund
· Operation Christmas Child
· Heifer International
· Pinks 4 All
· Carolyn's Place